Third beta HCG test and The 7 Day wait

My third draw was in 7 days time which was two weeks ago. I tried my best.

During this period of waiting, I visited my regular TCM but I didn't take the herbs and tonics that she offered. She would be so disappointed if she knew the truth. Like what Sister Teo from TMC mentioned, Dr Hong TCM physician also mentioned to take it easy and going for leisure strolls would not be a problem as it would aid blood circulation. She also told me to eat nutritious food.

So what did I do during these seven days? Basically, I tried to do everything right. :)

My pastor, church leaders and carecell members prayed for us. My cell leader also kept encouraging me to have faith that God would protect the child. I also read Christian books on pregnancy. One particular book "Supernatural Childbirth" was so inspiring that I started to renounce the fears and worries in me and believe that God would protect my child. I listened to faith building songs and prayed daily for protection over my child.

I ate home cooked fish, chicken, broccoli, spinach, fruits etc. I also continued to eat oats in the morning. I also had fortified milk for mums. I also ate vitamins approved by the doctor. I drank pure chicken soup cooked from the slow cooker. I chose Kampung chicken so that there would not be so many hormones injected. The only dubious thing I ate was boiled birds' nests made with the good intentions of my mother-in-law. It was quite a huge tub. I ate it over two days. I did think of not consuming it but I could not bear to waste her efforts.

Family's and friends' support
My family was very supportive especially my sister. I could not believe that she actually dropped by after schooling at NIE and bought lunch for me. She also played Super Mario Wii to take my mind off. The most unbelievable thing was that she insisted to mop and vacuum my floor. She also walked the dog. I was very touched. My friend bought fortified milk for me and took me out for lunch. She also listened to whatever talk on pregnancy I had to say.

I took short leisure strolls occasionally in case the blood did not circulate. I would listen to Christian songs and pray during the stroll. As I was strolling, I would touch my stomach and tell my baby to be strong and that Mummy would do her best for him or her. Together, we would face the battle.

I was given a week of medical leave so I was resting at home.

The only thing I could not control was my emotions. Time and again, I told myself not to worry and be anxious as these feelings were not healthy for pregnancy. I felt so anxious that my heart would feel physical pain every time I thought that history might repeat itself. I would google every article that assured me - even if HCG has not doubled, as long as it has risen, it was okay.

I thought the three of us stood a good chance. Hubby, baby, me.


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