Clear Blue Pregnancy Test Kit - My evidence of second pregnancy

This is such a random post. For my first pregnancy, I deleted everything that reminded me of it as I would cry when I see it. For the second pregnancy, I decided to preserve it as a memory. I only trusted Clear Blue because online reviews are positive and indeed, it is more accurate than the rest and definitely more sensitive. For example, when I tested positive for Clear Blue, the other brands were not able to pick up my pregnancy. I also enjoyed the plus sign instead of the common double strokes. The only con was that Clear Blue was slightly more expensive than the other brands so you have to wait for promotions from Watsons. It could cost as expensive as $16 or as cheap as $10.

I thought I was progressing well as the pregnancy test kit was getting darker which was a good sign right? During my first pregnancy, the line was pretty faint. The doc said that faint lines are part of symptoms that the pregnancy is not progressing well. You can see from the picture that shows the darkening of the line during my second pregnancy. 

Yesterday I watched this TVB show about a woman peeing on the test kit and was over the moon. She went to tell her family and continued to be over the moon. I still could not accept that I would never be the woman in the show to be over the moon all the way. Just the other way, my friend comforted my by saying that mothers worry over their pregnancies even if those were normal ones. She wanted to put across the point for us to enjoy life as it comes and not brood over it too much.

The last one looked so pregnant right but there was no heartbeat at all. Life just could not enter my womb.


  1. I feel sad when I read this "life just could not enter my womb" I hope you can see your rainbow bb soon.

  2. After having started blogging and interacting with people, I am emotionally so much better.


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