Beta HCG tests for my second pregnancy

After my first early miscarriage, I thought I would not feel extremely happy over a positive test kit in future. Surprisingly, I was still excited and over the moon. I thought that this time would be the real thing as the pregnancy test lines were much more obvious than my first pregnancy. I took a few test kits and they got progressively darker so I thought I was doing well.

I also thought that it was the perfect timing to be pregnant as my workload was very light at the end of the year. I thought I would be able to spend first trimester in peace. I thanked God profusely for my pregnancy and thought," There couldn't be a better time."

This time round, I did not wait to see a gynae as Dr LC Cheng had advised me to see him ASAP after my positive test. I was so desperate that I rushed down to AnE on a Sunday morning just to see him. His nurse, Catherine, was the one who had suggested this idea since his clinic was closed on Sunday. He must have forgotten that he was the one who had asked me to see him as soon as possible during my last visit to him shortly after my first miscarriage because he looked surprised to see me. His tone indicated that I was being paranoid to go to AnE just to request to see him. He suggested gently that I could have waited for Monday. I did not want to get Catherine into trouble so I did not tell him that she was the one who had suggested the idea. I felt uncomfortable with his interrogation of why I needed to see him at AnE but I was too overwhelmed with my second pregnancy to be bothered with him.

He prescribed Cardiprin, a form of aspirin that would aid blood flow to the uterus. He also threw in Progynova and Duphaston which would support the lining and pregnancy. Duphaston is the oral form of progesterone. He also put me on a daily dose of 5mg folic acid. He also ordered a beta HCG test for me to monitor my early pregnancy. I needed to go for the second HCG blood test in three days time. I was happy because at least I had something to take to support my pregnancy. I was also given medical leave till the next visit.

I rested at home and ate very healthily. I prayed everyday for my child to be healthy. I avoided crowded places. I also did not visit Physician Ang Mui Choo as I was afraid that the western medicine and herbs would clash. I also did not hug or carry my dog. I just looked at him from a distance.

Finally the day of the second draw had arrived. I was a nervous wreck. I was told that the results needed to double in order for the pregnancy to be a healthy one. I met Catherine, Dr LC Cheng's nurse, just before my second draw. She said that she took a peek at my previous HCG and commented in Mandarin that it was very low. I already had a bad feeling growing in my stomach after hearing her casual remark. :(

The results of the second draw was out after waiting for a bloody two hours. My levels did not double. It was 55 previously and the second draw registered a level of 93. Dr Cheng didn't even want to see me. A Sister Teo insisted that it was unnecessary to see the doctor as they would be saying the same things to me. I would save consultation money seeing her. She said that it was not a good sign but we hoped for the best and to return for the third draw a week later. She continued to prescribe the same support medicine. I asked whether I could have the booster shot of progesterone. She said that the oral one would serve the same purpose. 

This started the awful 7 day wait.


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