Ridiculous Things I or We have done to make ourselves more fertile

It all started with some coffee talk in the staff canteen. It was hilarious. I was with two male colleagues and another female colleague. They were asking me why I changed my whatsapp photo into a couple pic and I told them that I noticed that those couple friends who act all lovey on social media and post their couple pics on whatsapp and whatever media all have kids! I know I am sounding like a lunatic but hey, it gave me an inspiration for this post. All those stupid silly ridiculous ideas we have tried just to increase our chances by that tiny bit every month. SO .... I decided to choose the most blissful looking couple photo I had and used that as my whatsapp profile pic. I told my hub about it and he gleefully followed suit and played along with my silly idea. We had wanted to change our FB pics too but in the end too lazy. At the table, my colleague who was also trying to have kids, texted her hub about this silly idea and he too, immediately changed his photo pic. So hilarious!!!

Then male colleague A commented that instead of changing profile pic, we should xi bai bai tonight. Male Colleague B burst out laughing. I really could not catch it. By the cheeky grins, it should be some dirty joke. In all innocence, I asked,"what is Xi Bai Bai?" to my Female colleague. She told me that Bai means Chee Bye in hokkien (apologies for the rough language), Xi means wash. So it means we should wash our vaginas to get ready for sex... SO, I looked at her and asked, "Do you do that every time before sex?" The she burst out laughing and said, "No". I burst out laughing and said, "No too but I will ask him to wash his dick because I am scared of UTI". She laughed harder and said, "So you are not Xi Bai Bai, You are Xi Jiao Jiao" and she happily went to tell that particular male colleague whom was closer to us, "Hey we did not understand your joke because we cannot relate! You are the cleanliness freak!"

SO, DO YOU? I am so curious.

Other than dumb things like change whatsapp photo and xi BB, after sex, it was soooooooooooooooooo unromantic! In order not to dirty our very expensive mattress, Hub would jump out of bed, go to the toilet, get some toilet paper for me to put under my buttock so that the sperm would not leak onto the bed. After this careful preparation, I would attempt to cycle in the air for a while and lift my butt up to encourage the spermies to swim towards where they should. Then I would put a pillow or rolled a towel to put under my butt.

I have tried the romantic way too whenever we go for our staycation in Sentosa. Since the mattress does not belong to us, (ugly singaporean), we would be able to be more romantic. At least, we can lie in bed together longer and not rush to get toilet paper.

In the early stage of the "I am trying to conceive" journey, I pasted baby posters in my master bedroom. CREEPY. I remembered I specially selected Asian looking cute babies because I was afraid that my baby would look Ang Moh if I choose blonde hair ones. I thought of the baby posters because one of the TCMs -Dr Ang Mui Choo, told me that looking at baby photos would boost my chances of conceiving. After some setbacks, I took the posters down and hid them on top of my book shelves, collecting dust. Looking back, my hub might have thought I have gone bonkers.

There was once, on the pretext of shopping for my friend's baby one month celebration, I bought an expensive wall decorations from Fisher Price. My husband thought that I had bought for my friend but it is still lying under the study table because I had wanted to give it to my baby in future. I thought that it would be a source of motivation for me hahahaha.

My close friends also wished that I would have my own kids soon so whenever there is a chance, for example, visiting newborns, they would always ask me to carry the newborn because they claim that they have tried it and it worked. So, I obediently carried even though I was so afraid that I would hurt the cute small bundle because he was so fragile! Closely related to carrying newborn is touching pregnant mothers' tummies! They would ask me to touch their tummies or some other friend's tummies for good luck! And yes, I have tried, but of course, with permission and invitation. I would not ask to touch mummies' tummies on my own. I am so shy!

So far, these are the few funny ideas that I have tried. Have you tried some funny ideas yourselves?


  1. I have done more ridiculous thing in my TTC journey, would like to invite you to read my blog. I have set it private so if you would like to read it, give me your email add.

  2. Sure!!!!!!! lifestoryfromhope@gmail.com

  3. Hi JG I am so privileged that I get to read your blog. I finished reading the entire blog in two days. I feel that it speaks of your tenacity and strength. U can write very well because it is very engaging. I lol a few times because of the jokes u cracked.

  4. Thank you. Glad my blog is not just depressed. Ha ha. Let's hope we can write positive things in our blog soon.

  5. Hello, is me again, the usual anonymous person (the one who also goes to TSB and decides to stop going) who reads your blog.. LOL.. Maybe I should start giving myself a name.. It is hard to differentiate me and other people.
    I tried a lot of funny things too! I get so 'zou huo ru mo' sometimes.
    I read that you can put a bowl of uncooked rice below your bed (I tried but not sure is it I put too little rice, still not working!), paste pictures of pomegranate or really display some fakes ones in bedroom (I put one as my office desktop wallpaper. LOL. Seriously waiting to print one and paste it in master bedroom wall) and also try to BD according to some moon cycle instead of our usual ovulation cycle (I did that last cycle, did not work but since it is not a lot of effort, I may try again a few more times!)
    If you or Jumbo girl tried the above suggested and it works, please tell me! :)

  6. Ha Ha UAP, I have tried the moon thingy before! There is a lot of info on the net. I find it a lot of effort because need to ensure no light enters the room at all at night. Anyway, the theory is that our cycle actually follows the moon phases. But because we have so many artificial lights, our body cannot recognise which is moonlight which is fake light. Something like that lah.

  7. I have not done the moon thingy but I bring out all my lucky stones to moon it Lolzzz. My support group friends will message and announce hey its full moon and we will all bring out our stuff to moon it. After awhile it didn't work and we all junk it aside. We are terrible.
    I also collected red eggs at the temple and force my hubby to eat together with me on our bed. He can't stand me and my obsessive behavior. Haha. What else….I display many fenshui items in my house to boost fertility. I even go for healing which is crap lah. Sorry but whatever didn't work are crap for me. Oops haha.

  8. There is a lot of stuff written about the lunar cycle affecting our menstrual cycle.http://www.athenainstitute.com/sciencelinks/lunarandmenst.html

  9. Is me again, the usual anonymous person.
    Oh jumbo girl.. what does it mean by mooning your lucky stones? As in bringing out all your luck stones to the moon and let them absorb the essence?
    I guess our menstrual cycles are so haywire by modern technologies that lunar calendar probably don't work too well anymore.. but in any case, I tried it again for my current cycle (though I have not ovulate but should be soon). Hopefully it will work. Haha.

  10. Oh yah, I shall call myself UAP (usual anonymous person) then!

  11. Yes we bring out our moonstone earring, bracelet and stones and leave it at the balcony to moon it so that it can enhance the power, we must be mad haha.
    Oh and I was wondering what is UAP, now I understand haha. I am slow.

  12. LOL, it took me awhile to understand UAP too. :)
    It is normal to think of all kind of funny things to increase fertility... Sometimes I think I am mad too and sometimes I think to myself, " I never thought you will become like this!"


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