How to get pregnant fast through improving your lifestyle?

I have shared in my previous post that it is important to fill our mind with positive thoughts. Apart from taking control of our mind, it is important to take control of our lifestyle too!

Today I would be blogging about lifestyle changes from the various sources that I have come across or from personal experiences.

1. Avoiding Overwork
I came across an interesting book that discourages women from going to the gym after work to exercise to the point of exhaustion. I have always thought that to sweat it out after work is considered very healthy but this book says that such workouts will deplete our bodies of energy.

The book recommends exercising in the morning if possible. Evenings are for recuperation. It recommends walking and yoga stretches instead and also suggested some "fertile activities" - holidays, painting, writing courses, gardening, cooking (anything that is a creative distraction. Fertile activities allow women to soften and to be less controlled and rigid and are activities that you do not for the results but for the pure indulgence of it.

2. Avoid being under active and unfulfiled
I realised that this applies to me during my one year break from work. Being unfulfilled  leads to stagnation. You need a purpose in life. If you have no drive, your vision will be clouded and vision is essential for conception.

3. Managing your stress levels
This section is nothing new. You can check out my previous post too. The most poignant point would be encouraging women to RELAX. I do a lot of deep breathing techniques nowadays.

4. Getting enough sleep
Lack of sleep will affect hormone secretion and deplete your energy. We need to have 7 to 9 hours of sleep everyday. We also have to try to make sure the hour before you go to bed is spent doing something relaxing. The most interesting idea is for us not to have serious discussions before going to bed. We are also supposed to reduce activities that are stimulating to the brain such as staring at a computer (which is what I am doing now).

5. The principles for fertility exercise
Some sources discourage women from exercising to the point of profuse sweating if they are trying to conceive.
Good exercises for fertility
  • Qi Gong
  • Swimming
  • Yoga
  • Walking
  • Tennis
  • Pilates
  • Belly Dancing
6. Think about your environment
Avoid household cleaning products, insecticides, dry cleaning, cellophane, soft plastics, aluminium, microwave, beauty products, nail varnish, hair dyes, botox, antiperspirant and talc powder. I feel that the list to avoid is too stressful. Some of the items are so common that it will add a lot of stress to go out of the way to avoid them.

I am logging off now. I have a bed date with my husband because today is Day 14 and it is one of those days that Dr Tan Siew Buoy has circled for intercourse. 


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