Mid Term Pregnancy Termination - The Actual Process
When I found out that I had to go through a Mid Term Pregnancy Termination (MTPT) instead of a DnC, I was so down that I burst out crying in front of Prof Biswas because I thought there was no way I could be conscious and yet deliver my 13 week baby girl. After we have gotten home, I went home to ask Google for anyone who could give me an actual description of the process but I could not find any. All of the accounts are of emotions of guilt and depression. The other clinical articles are too brief. I have a close friend who unfortunately, has gone through this process, has shared with me and prepared me. So, I have decided to post an entry while the process is still fresh in my mind.
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As my gynae is now Prof Biswas, the MTPT would be done in NUH. We chose A1 ward because I wanted to ensure that I wanted privacy as the whole process would be carried out in the ward room. For those who want to opt for B1, they do have a special single bedded for B1 but it depends on availability. Otherwise, I cannot imagine delivering behind closed curtains with other patients in the room. On Sunday, I was wishing very hard that A1 would be available because I received an SMS in the morning from NUH not to proceed to the hospital before 4.30pm (we were supposed to check in at 3pm) as they were still sourcing for a bed for us. I replied to an unknown no, (most prob a computer) and ask it to try its best to find because I really wanted the privacy. At 1.30pm, I received another message that our room was ready and we have to check in before 3.30pm. We still had not have our lunch because I was packing. I packed 30 cm sanitary pads and disposable undies because my friend said that I could have diarrhoea from the side effects. I also brought along some cream crackers and milo in case the process was too long and I needed some strength to carry on. I also grabbed a small towel, a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Although we have not taken our lunch, we decided to claim our room first. We reached NUH around 2.30pm, checked into our A1 room and it looked nice and spacious. No regrets paying more. I forgot to mention that we were in the Maternity Ward and most of the rooms were bursting with joy of life and the crying of babies in the air. Photos of babies adorned the notice boards along the corridor. We quickly escaped into our room of refuge. It was too much to bear. A nurse entered the room and we told her that we were very hungry. She told us to eat our lunch first. We went to Burger King to eat because I wanted to eat beef. I knew that I would lose blood later so I need to load on iron. We both ordered Mushroom Swiss burgers and the succulent juices of mushrooms and beef with the melted cheese comforted our tired souls. That few minutes of fast food lunch gave us a brief respite from all the tensions, fears and griefs building up in our hearts.
Finally, we were done. We trudged back to our room. I was feeling very anxious because I was afraid of the contractions. I was feeling sad for the obvious reasons. The main reason of anxiety was that I did not have a strong motivating factor to endure the contractions - usually at the end, a bundle of joy would be placed on the mother's chest after hours of hard work but in my case, obviously, no.
Around 4pm, the same nurse came in. She was always wearing a mask but her eyes shone with empathy and love. "She" would be "Nurse Ruby" - someone who would walk with me during the first league. She explained to me briefly the entire process and I was so shocked when she said that the doctor would be coming in around 4.30pm to examine me and insert the first dose! I did not expect it to be so fast.
Around 4.30pm, a young lady doctor walked in. I chatted with her and realised that she was a houseman who was doing her rotation in the O&G department. She wanted to major in family medicine. She also briefly told me about the whole process. I asked her how long it would take and she said that it all depends. I asked her for patients who are fast, how long that would be. She said that usually it would take 15 hours because they would be inserting one dose every three hours. One full cycle has five doses. Some patients take very long and they require a second cycle of five doses. When I heard that, my heart sank to the floor.
She wanted to set a plug for me in case I lose too much blood later. I told her sometimes nurses have difficult drawing blood - maybe only once or twice. In all, she poked me 6 times and could not set the plug nor draw my blood. Because she was very sorry, I wasn't pissed. I watched many doctor dramas and knew she was truly sorry. She would get her Medical Officers to set the plug and draw the blood instead.
My first dose was inserted at 5.00pm. They were supposed to insert 2 pills but somehow, only 1 pill has been inserted so the second one was inserted around 5.15pm. The young lady house man wore gloves, put some lubricant and inserted the pill into my vagina. It was not very painful but uncomfortable. Soon, I had a burning sensation at my vagina. Nurse Ruby told me I might have an allergic reaction to the lubricant. She told me to try wiping it away. The burning sensation subsided after a while. Both the nurse and doctor told me that for first dose, usually, I would only feel some pulling like menstrual cramps. My friend told me the same thing. For her case, her contractions would come and go and eventually became more intense towards the end after hours later. Both of them also told me that there was an injection of pain killers which would stop the pain but this jab could only be administered once every 8 hours so I have to take it only when I really cannot take it, otherwise, during the climax, I cannot use the jab.
Another two young doctors came in. They poked me another 5 times and still failed to set the plug. At least, they managed to draw some blood. I asked if I could get an experienced nurse to set the plug but they mumbled that it would be difficult to find. Anyway, they left the room and told me that most probably, I would not even need a plug because most patients would not lose so much blood that they would need a blood transfusion. The conclusion was - no need to set plug. I was worried because imagine, if I really lose a lot of blood and they could not set the plug, wouldn't it be dangerous?
Since the doctors, nurses and my friend said that first dose should be nothing much, so I decided to take it easy, read magazines and drank apple carrot juice with no ice. After an hour, I don't feel anything except for a slight pull here and there. During the second hour, when I was reading Her World, I felt some cramps settling in. Not exactly, painful, but like mild cramps. During the last hour before the next dose, the pain was increasing at such a steady rate that I could not concentrate on my magazine anymore. Clutching my stomach, I told hub that it was very painful. We pressed the bell for Nurse Ruby to pass me some oral panadol. The panadols did nothing to ease the pain. The pain continued to escalate. I felt very strange because I thought, during first dose, I was not supposed to feel such pain. I even doubted myself that I have a very low pain threshold. If I really have a low pain threshold, how am I going to make it to dose number 5? The pain did not feel like contractions because contractions are supposed to come and go. This pain is constantly rising and it pulls the back and my tummy downwards and inwards. It resembles a very nasty food poisoning type of diarrhoea except that this has no respite and it escalates.
Out of the blue, I remembered my friend telling me that diarrhoea is a side effect of the pill. Hey, maybe I was not having contractions at all. Maybe I just need to poo! So I pressed the bell for assistance. Another nurse came in and placed a disposable basin made of cupboard on the toilet bowl so that I could pee and shit into it. This is to prevent the tissues and foetus from dropping into the toilet bowl. The disposable basin was so shallow! I clutched my stomach and tried my best. I only managed to poo a small grape. I stumbled out of the toilet and shook my head at my hubby. I sat on the bed, unable to do anything at all. I went back to the toilet and tried again. This time, I bent forward, clutched my stomach and waited. I managed to poo quite a lot and I was relieved - I was still normal and it was only diarrhoea. But strangely, the pain did not subside. I was so worried that the shit might touch my front because the basin was shallow. I laid paper on top of each poop before I tried again. During the last bomb, I shouted,"Oh my gosh!" Water gushed out from my vagina. My vagina looked soft and spongy when I took a look. I better wiped myself clean in case something funny was happening. The basin was too shallow for me to wipe the normal way. I had to squat on the floor and clean myself. While I was doing so, my goodness! Pink water came dripping down from my vagina. Quickly, I returned to the disposable basin. Dark pink water gushed out from my vagina.
Is that my water bag? How could it be? This is only my first dose!
We pressed the bell for the nurse. The nurse did not look very alarm and told me I did not pass out any tissue, just shit. I climbed back onto the bed and continued to ooze out water stained with pink spots on my pad. I told Nurse Ruby that I was in pain and she held my hand and told me very gently that maybe my pain threshold was low and did the pain feel like menstrual cramps. I told her it was more painful than menstrual cramps. Another nurse came in. It was painful enough for me to consider taking the jab. She told me she would give it to me if I really needed it. But who would take jab during first dose? Maybe I am just lousy at managing pain? I asked her if she thought I should take it now. She told me that I looked like I could still manage because I was not sweating yet. Usually, when the baby wants to come out, I would be in great pain and sweating. I nodded and she left.
We were left alone in the room. Somehow, after the water shed, the pain began to ease a little. Nurse Ruby came in and told me that it was time for the second dose. She looked very sorry. She knew that I was allergic to the lubricant so she did not use any of those cream but she used something else. Because there was no lubricant, it was more uncomfortable than the first try.
After the insertion of the second dose, I felt something flow out from my vagina. I pressed the bell again. By this time, I had already removed my panties and lying on a big piece of pad. This time, an unfamiliar nurse came in. I sneezed lightly and shouted out in pain. To my shock, when I sneezed, I felt a sharp pain shoot up my left side and a big gush of blood oozed out. Unfamiliar Nurse quickly took a cushion and gave it to me. She told me to hold something when I sneezed. She did not check on me because she said she was not familiar with my case so she would call my nurse.
Nurse Ruby came in with another nurse. She introduced her as Nurse Yuen. Nurse Yuen looked very motherly. Nurse Yuen checked on the pad and confirmed that it was blood but nothing else. I asked her when I should call her. She told me to call her when I felt great pain because baby would be coming out by then.
All of a sudden, the pain was gone but blood was flowing out intermittently. I have stopped calling the nurses and braced myself for the great pain that was to come. I felt scared so I called hub to sit beside me and hold my hand as we watched TV. I kept telling hub that I was worried because I was already bleeding this early, would I bleed too much by the time baby comes out. I was still worried that they could not set my plug. Nurse Yuen did assure me that they would ask another doctor to try setting again even though I pleaded with her to set for me.
We were watching some Channel 5 Talent show whereby Selena, Tay PH, Bryan W were judges. There was nothing I could do except feel the slow gush of blood every now and then. Suddenly, I felt something slide down to my vagina and I yelped! It was stuck. I thought it could be a big piece of tissue. I pressed the bell and hub went out of the room to get the nurse. Nurse Yuen came in to check on me. When she saw what was stuck there, she mumbled, " I am going to get the trolley." She took some time so hub went out to look for her.
Just when the two of them opened the door, I let out a scream, "Oh my gosh! Something just popped out of me!"
I felt something hard, round, too firm and big to be tissue. Could it be baby? How could it be? It was only two hours after my second dose! Nurse Yuen came over to check what had popped out. My hub asked, "Had it popped out?" She nodded her head and mumble,"yes, it is the foetus." I said loudly, "Hey it is not a it. It is our baby!"
I began to pray softly.
"Dear God, I pray for Baby and thank you for receiving her into heaven peacefully."
"Goodbye Baby," I said softly.
Nurse Yuen pushed her trolley, with a metal basin, to the side of my bed. She fiddled with the foetus and said that the placenta was still inside my body and she would not be pulling the foetus out because the umbilical cord would snap. I felt the cord to be quite long and thin. Nurse Yuen said that I could try pushing like I want to da bian. After a few pushes, I felt something else slide down my vagina. I felt a huge piece of something slimy pushed through my vagina. Nurse Yuen smiled and said, "Very well done, the placenta has come out."
All the while, my hub was hiding behind a curtain. Anyway, I told him not to see since my friend's husband regretted witnessing the horrifying mess.
"Do you want to see?" Nurse Yuen asked.
We had been bracing ourselves for this moment because we already had a few conversations over it. We decided to preserve the memory of our baby as the bundle of joy we felt when we first saw the ultrasound at ten weeks.
"No, we won't be seeing," we replied.
As Nurse Yuen was still cleaning me up, I asked her if I should see. She told me that if I was emotionally ready, I could see. But if I were those type whereby the image would be retained in my mind and haunt me for life, then I should not see.
"Then I think I better not," I replied.
"I will not push the foetus to the mortuary yet, in case you change your mind later," Nurse Yuen said.
She also asked us if we want to claim the foetus or leave it to the hospital. We were not prepared for this question as we did not even know there was an option to claim the foetus so we told her that we would leave it to the hospital. It was after this that I found out online that some parents choose to conduct funeral rites for their babies.
After cleaning me, she told us that a doctor would be coming in to check if everything had been expelled. It was a male doctor who looked young and kind. He used a plastic thingy to open my vagina and it was so uncomfortable that I tensed up. He kept telling me gently not to squeeze the instrument. He decided to do without the instrument and used his finger to feel for any clogs instead. He inserted his finger deep into me, yes, this sounds like something from an erotic novel, but no, it was just disgustingly uncomfortable. He told me that I should be fine and he would report to Prof. Prof would be visiting me the next day.
My hub and I were left alone again.
"Baby, you wouldn't be lonely... Your siblings in heaven would take care of you. You will have so much fun up there," my hub said. (referring to our earlier losses)
From first dose inserted at 5.15pm to 10.30pm, when baby decided to come out peacefully, it was 5 hours. Recalling back, the pain I had endured during the first dose was not menstrual cramps after all. So, I am not such a weakling with super low pain threshold. After young and kind doctor had left, I was being checked for blood pressure and blood flow every three hours. The kind nurses also changed my pad. The next morning, Prof came to see me and pressed my tummy. He said that I could be discharged but there was always a small percentage that not everything had been expelled. If I am soaking my pad every two hours, or having very bad cramps or having fever, I have to return to A&E. I would be seeing him in three weeks time and I was given a month of hospitalisation leave.
I was surprised that I was not swallowed up with grief as I had expected and feared. I felt very numb. Hub occasionally asked a rhetoric question, "Where is Baby?" and pointed to the hospital ceiling and waved goodbye. When he did it for the third time, I was so irritated that I told him that Baby had left us peacefully and she is definitely in heaven with her siblings. I felt a bit guilty after that because I knew that was his own expression of grief.
By the way, we have names for all of them. But it is too private to share online.
I turned to my husband and said, "we have to stop adding babies in heaven."
Somehow this nightmare has to end. How? I do not know.
Would we ever have a healthy child to raise and grow old with? I do not know.
When I started this blog, I was brimming with hope despite three failures. Now, I am brimming with tears. In the end, we still chose not to see Baby when Nurse Yuen informed us that she would be sending her down to the mortuary. I felt a slight guilt for not seeing. Should I have? I just do not know.
Although this pregnancy has ended in tragedy, I would still be posting flashbacks to the day we found out I was pregnant. I wanted to dedicate those memories to my Baby Girl that although time spent with her was so short, Mummy is still very proud of her and wants to share with everyone her joy.
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As my gynae is now Prof Biswas, the MTPT would be done in NUH. We chose A1 ward because I wanted to ensure that I wanted privacy as the whole process would be carried out in the ward room. For those who want to opt for B1, they do have a special single bedded for B1 but it depends on availability. Otherwise, I cannot imagine delivering behind closed curtains with other patients in the room. On Sunday, I was wishing very hard that A1 would be available because I received an SMS in the morning from NUH not to proceed to the hospital before 4.30pm (we were supposed to check in at 3pm) as they were still sourcing for a bed for us. I replied to an unknown no, (most prob a computer) and ask it to try its best to find because I really wanted the privacy. At 1.30pm, I received another message that our room was ready and we have to check in before 3.30pm. We still had not have our lunch because I was packing. I packed 30 cm sanitary pads and disposable undies because my friend said that I could have diarrhoea from the side effects. I also brought along some cream crackers and milo in case the process was too long and I needed some strength to carry on. I also grabbed a small towel, a toothbrush and toothpaste.
Although we have not taken our lunch, we decided to claim our room first. We reached NUH around 2.30pm, checked into our A1 room and it looked nice and spacious. No regrets paying more. I forgot to mention that we were in the Maternity Ward and most of the rooms were bursting with joy of life and the crying of babies in the air. Photos of babies adorned the notice boards along the corridor. We quickly escaped into our room of refuge. It was too much to bear. A nurse entered the room and we told her that we were very hungry. She told us to eat our lunch first. We went to Burger King to eat because I wanted to eat beef. I knew that I would lose blood later so I need to load on iron. We both ordered Mushroom Swiss burgers and the succulent juices of mushrooms and beef with the melted cheese comforted our tired souls. That few minutes of fast food lunch gave us a brief respite from all the tensions, fears and griefs building up in our hearts.
Finally, we were done. We trudged back to our room. I was feeling very anxious because I was afraid of the contractions. I was feeling sad for the obvious reasons. The main reason of anxiety was that I did not have a strong motivating factor to endure the contractions - usually at the end, a bundle of joy would be placed on the mother's chest after hours of hard work but in my case, obviously, no.
Around 4pm, the same nurse came in. She was always wearing a mask but her eyes shone with empathy and love. "She" would be "Nurse Ruby" - someone who would walk with me during the first league. She explained to me briefly the entire process and I was so shocked when she said that the doctor would be coming in around 4.30pm to examine me and insert the first dose! I did not expect it to be so fast.
Around 4.30pm, a young lady doctor walked in. I chatted with her and realised that she was a houseman who was doing her rotation in the O&G department. She wanted to major in family medicine. She also briefly told me about the whole process. I asked her how long it would take and she said that it all depends. I asked her for patients who are fast, how long that would be. She said that usually it would take 15 hours because they would be inserting one dose every three hours. One full cycle has five doses. Some patients take very long and they require a second cycle of five doses. When I heard that, my heart sank to the floor.
She wanted to set a plug for me in case I lose too much blood later. I told her sometimes nurses have difficult drawing blood - maybe only once or twice. In all, she poked me 6 times and could not set the plug nor draw my blood. Because she was very sorry, I wasn't pissed. I watched many doctor dramas and knew she was truly sorry. She would get her Medical Officers to set the plug and draw the blood instead.
My first dose was inserted at 5.00pm. They were supposed to insert 2 pills but somehow, only 1 pill has been inserted so the second one was inserted around 5.15pm. The young lady house man wore gloves, put some lubricant and inserted the pill into my vagina. It was not very painful but uncomfortable. Soon, I had a burning sensation at my vagina. Nurse Ruby told me I might have an allergic reaction to the lubricant. She told me to try wiping it away. The burning sensation subsided after a while. Both the nurse and doctor told me that for first dose, usually, I would only feel some pulling like menstrual cramps. My friend told me the same thing. For her case, her contractions would come and go and eventually became more intense towards the end after hours later. Both of them also told me that there was an injection of pain killers which would stop the pain but this jab could only be administered once every 8 hours so I have to take it only when I really cannot take it, otherwise, during the climax, I cannot use the jab.
Another two young doctors came in. They poked me another 5 times and still failed to set the plug. At least, they managed to draw some blood. I asked if I could get an experienced nurse to set the plug but they mumbled that it would be difficult to find. Anyway, they left the room and told me that most probably, I would not even need a plug because most patients would not lose so much blood that they would need a blood transfusion. The conclusion was - no need to set plug. I was worried because imagine, if I really lose a lot of blood and they could not set the plug, wouldn't it be dangerous?
Since the doctors, nurses and my friend said that first dose should be nothing much, so I decided to take it easy, read magazines and drank apple carrot juice with no ice. After an hour, I don't feel anything except for a slight pull here and there. During the second hour, when I was reading Her World, I felt some cramps settling in. Not exactly, painful, but like mild cramps. During the last hour before the next dose, the pain was increasing at such a steady rate that I could not concentrate on my magazine anymore. Clutching my stomach, I told hub that it was very painful. We pressed the bell for Nurse Ruby to pass me some oral panadol. The panadols did nothing to ease the pain. The pain continued to escalate. I felt very strange because I thought, during first dose, I was not supposed to feel such pain. I even doubted myself that I have a very low pain threshold. If I really have a low pain threshold, how am I going to make it to dose number 5? The pain did not feel like contractions because contractions are supposed to come and go. This pain is constantly rising and it pulls the back and my tummy downwards and inwards. It resembles a very nasty food poisoning type of diarrhoea except that this has no respite and it escalates.
Out of the blue, I remembered my friend telling me that diarrhoea is a side effect of the pill. Hey, maybe I was not having contractions at all. Maybe I just need to poo! So I pressed the bell for assistance. Another nurse came in and placed a disposable basin made of cupboard on the toilet bowl so that I could pee and shit into it. This is to prevent the tissues and foetus from dropping into the toilet bowl. The disposable basin was so shallow! I clutched my stomach and tried my best. I only managed to poo a small grape. I stumbled out of the toilet and shook my head at my hubby. I sat on the bed, unable to do anything at all. I went back to the toilet and tried again. This time, I bent forward, clutched my stomach and waited. I managed to poo quite a lot and I was relieved - I was still normal and it was only diarrhoea. But strangely, the pain did not subside. I was so worried that the shit might touch my front because the basin was shallow. I laid paper on top of each poop before I tried again. During the last bomb, I shouted,"Oh my gosh!" Water gushed out from my vagina. My vagina looked soft and spongy when I took a look. I better wiped myself clean in case something funny was happening. The basin was too shallow for me to wipe the normal way. I had to squat on the floor and clean myself. While I was doing so, my goodness! Pink water came dripping down from my vagina. Quickly, I returned to the disposable basin. Dark pink water gushed out from my vagina.
Is that my water bag? How could it be? This is only my first dose!
We pressed the bell for the nurse. The nurse did not look very alarm and told me I did not pass out any tissue, just shit. I climbed back onto the bed and continued to ooze out water stained with pink spots on my pad. I told Nurse Ruby that I was in pain and she held my hand and told me very gently that maybe my pain threshold was low and did the pain feel like menstrual cramps. I told her it was more painful than menstrual cramps. Another nurse came in. It was painful enough for me to consider taking the jab. She told me she would give it to me if I really needed it. But who would take jab during first dose? Maybe I am just lousy at managing pain? I asked her if she thought I should take it now. She told me that I looked like I could still manage because I was not sweating yet. Usually, when the baby wants to come out, I would be in great pain and sweating. I nodded and she left.
We were left alone in the room. Somehow, after the water shed, the pain began to ease a little. Nurse Ruby came in and told me that it was time for the second dose. She looked very sorry. She knew that I was allergic to the lubricant so she did not use any of those cream but she used something else. Because there was no lubricant, it was more uncomfortable than the first try.
After the insertion of the second dose, I felt something flow out from my vagina. I pressed the bell again. By this time, I had already removed my panties and lying on a big piece of pad. This time, an unfamiliar nurse came in. I sneezed lightly and shouted out in pain. To my shock, when I sneezed, I felt a sharp pain shoot up my left side and a big gush of blood oozed out. Unfamiliar Nurse quickly took a cushion and gave it to me. She told me to hold something when I sneezed. She did not check on me because she said she was not familiar with my case so she would call my nurse.
Nurse Ruby came in with another nurse. She introduced her as Nurse Yuen. Nurse Yuen looked very motherly. Nurse Yuen checked on the pad and confirmed that it was blood but nothing else. I asked her when I should call her. She told me to call her when I felt great pain because baby would be coming out by then.
All of a sudden, the pain was gone but blood was flowing out intermittently. I have stopped calling the nurses and braced myself for the great pain that was to come. I felt scared so I called hub to sit beside me and hold my hand as we watched TV. I kept telling hub that I was worried because I was already bleeding this early, would I bleed too much by the time baby comes out. I was still worried that they could not set my plug. Nurse Yuen did assure me that they would ask another doctor to try setting again even though I pleaded with her to set for me.
We were watching some Channel 5 Talent show whereby Selena, Tay PH, Bryan W were judges. There was nothing I could do except feel the slow gush of blood every now and then. Suddenly, I felt something slide down to my vagina and I yelped! It was stuck. I thought it could be a big piece of tissue. I pressed the bell and hub went out of the room to get the nurse. Nurse Yuen came in to check on me. When she saw what was stuck there, she mumbled, " I am going to get the trolley." She took some time so hub went out to look for her.
Just when the two of them opened the door, I let out a scream, "Oh my gosh! Something just popped out of me!"
I felt something hard, round, too firm and big to be tissue. Could it be baby? How could it be? It was only two hours after my second dose! Nurse Yuen came over to check what had popped out. My hub asked, "Had it popped out?" She nodded her head and mumble,"yes, it is the foetus." I said loudly, "Hey it is not a it. It is our baby!"
I began to pray softly.
"Dear God, I pray for Baby and thank you for receiving her into heaven peacefully."
"Goodbye Baby," I said softly.
Nurse Yuen pushed her trolley, with a metal basin, to the side of my bed. She fiddled with the foetus and said that the placenta was still inside my body and she would not be pulling the foetus out because the umbilical cord would snap. I felt the cord to be quite long and thin. Nurse Yuen said that I could try pushing like I want to da bian. After a few pushes, I felt something else slide down my vagina. I felt a huge piece of something slimy pushed through my vagina. Nurse Yuen smiled and said, "Very well done, the placenta has come out."
All the while, my hub was hiding behind a curtain. Anyway, I told him not to see since my friend's husband regretted witnessing the horrifying mess.
"Do you want to see?" Nurse Yuen asked.
We had been bracing ourselves for this moment because we already had a few conversations over it. We decided to preserve the memory of our baby as the bundle of joy we felt when we first saw the ultrasound at ten weeks.
"No, we won't be seeing," we replied.
As Nurse Yuen was still cleaning me up, I asked her if I should see. She told me that if I was emotionally ready, I could see. But if I were those type whereby the image would be retained in my mind and haunt me for life, then I should not see.
"Then I think I better not," I replied.
"I will not push the foetus to the mortuary yet, in case you change your mind later," Nurse Yuen said.
She also asked us if we want to claim the foetus or leave it to the hospital. We were not prepared for this question as we did not even know there was an option to claim the foetus so we told her that we would leave it to the hospital. It was after this that I found out online that some parents choose to conduct funeral rites for their babies.
After cleaning me, she told us that a doctor would be coming in to check if everything had been expelled. It was a male doctor who looked young and kind. He used a plastic thingy to open my vagina and it was so uncomfortable that I tensed up. He kept telling me gently not to squeeze the instrument. He decided to do without the instrument and used his finger to feel for any clogs instead. He inserted his finger deep into me, yes, this sounds like something from an erotic novel, but no, it was just disgustingly uncomfortable. He told me that I should be fine and he would report to Prof. Prof would be visiting me the next day.
My hub and I were left alone again.
"Baby, you wouldn't be lonely... Your siblings in heaven would take care of you. You will have so much fun up there," my hub said. (referring to our earlier losses)
From first dose inserted at 5.15pm to 10.30pm, when baby decided to come out peacefully, it was 5 hours. Recalling back, the pain I had endured during the first dose was not menstrual cramps after all. So, I am not such a weakling with super low pain threshold. After young and kind doctor had left, I was being checked for blood pressure and blood flow every three hours. The kind nurses also changed my pad. The next morning, Prof came to see me and pressed my tummy. He said that I could be discharged but there was always a small percentage that not everything had been expelled. If I am soaking my pad every two hours, or having very bad cramps or having fever, I have to return to A&E. I would be seeing him in three weeks time and I was given a month of hospitalisation leave.
I was surprised that I was not swallowed up with grief as I had expected and feared. I felt very numb. Hub occasionally asked a rhetoric question, "Where is Baby?" and pointed to the hospital ceiling and waved goodbye. When he did it for the third time, I was so irritated that I told him that Baby had left us peacefully and she is definitely in heaven with her siblings. I felt a bit guilty after that because I knew that was his own expression of grief.
By the way, we have names for all of them. But it is too private to share online.
I turned to my husband and said, "we have to stop adding babies in heaven."
Somehow this nightmare has to end. How? I do not know.
Would we ever have a healthy child to raise and grow old with? I do not know.
When I started this blog, I was brimming with hope despite three failures. Now, I am brimming with tears. In the end, we still chose not to see Baby when Nurse Yuen informed us that she would be sending her down to the mortuary. I felt a slight guilt for not seeing. Should I have? I just do not know.
Although this pregnancy has ended in tragedy, I would still be posting flashbacks to the day we found out I was pregnant. I wanted to dedicate those memories to my Baby Girl that although time spent with her was so short, Mummy is still very proud of her and wants to share with everyone her joy.
UAP here.
ReplyDeleteI feel really very sad about what you have gone through, to a point, I literally sobbed into my hands as I read your account. I wish that Heaven will bless and protect all your babies. It is of my deepest wish and hope that you will soon have a healthy newborn to raise and grow old with.
Take care of yourself and please rest well.
I feel touched because of your empathy. U take care too and wish u all the best.
ReplyDeleteHugs to you. Though we are virtual mates, I really hope all bad things will leave you and that the new year will be smooth for you.
DeleteI have been following your blog and like you, I too am a patient with TSB. I feel very sad for what you have been through and I believe that no words can ease your pain at this moment. Nevertheless, please take good care of yourself. You are a very brave lady. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and I hope that the coming new year will be smooth sailing for you.
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes,
Dear C.L., I am not brave at all. In fact, I am a coward. There are women out there who would have chosen to keep their babies till their last breathe in the tummy even though knowing they are survive. I read it on overseas forum.
ReplyDeleteI m very sorry that u have to go through all these. Hope u can b strong, pick up the pieces and forge on. Jia you dun give up!!! A healthy baby will definitely come to u soon.
ReplyDeleteThis time round is quite a blow... seriously unsure ... Because I used to think i only have one problem, body cannot develop embryo and Prof Mahesh says it is because of my overactive immune system. Now can develop baby, but alas ... How to have healthy eggs? Aiyo ...
DeleteDear Hope, I hv also a natural miscarriage, chemical pregnancy and most recently a failed ivf. The doc said from my blood test, the embryo has stuck for while. He asked me to go for intralipid transfusion n suspect i also hv immunity problems. He says no pt go for any test for killer cells. One thing abt me is I hv v high metabolism from young (though now slowing down) I may use to look v unhealthy being too thin but I seldom fall sick. Even now too, I dun fall sick easily. Is tat a clue to my problematic immune system? Hmm.
DeleteDo u have sinus infections? I have asthmatic issues and sensitive nose.
DeleteHi Hope, I dun hv sinus or asthma. My respiratory system has been tip top since young. Actually e killer cells theory is still debatable if it actually exists. Tests hv shown that it can show high numbers even in women who hv conceieved n given birth easily. For every failure, I feel really horrible. It's indescribable with words. I m sure u can understand. Ask the sky ask the earth also no one can tell me why it's happening to me. My friend reminded me that the way I felt could be partly hormonal as what we went thru will cause hormonal imbalance. Though the pain of every lost will nvr go away. But we could slowly settle in to the routine of life. I know it's easier said than done, but I would keep reminding myself, let my baby find me instead of the other way round.
DeleteDear Hope, I broke into tears when I read your heartbreaking post, especially the part where your hubby told your baby girl that she wouldn’t be lonely as her siblings in heaven would take care of her. In 2013, I had an ectopic pregnancy and my left tube had to be surgically removed along with baby #1. Early last week, I had another early miscarriage. Now I too have an extreme phobia of seeing my gynae early as he almost had me convinced that I was going to have a 2nd ectopic pregnancy in my remaining right tube, all becoz of the HCG numbers and the empty u/s scan. I was near hysterical at the thought of going through surgery again, not only to terminate the pregnancy but to remove my right tube and all my chances of conceiving naturally again. Every nite, I prayed for baby #1 to guide her little bro/sis down my tube into my womb so that he/she would not have to suffer the same fate. Eventually, my gynae managed to find baby #2 in my womb but all the stress must have taken its toll as it had stopped growing at 5 wks.
ReplyDeleteNow I pray for God to take care of my two babies and for them to be happy together in Heaven. I will pray for your babies too and for your recovery. Take care.
My story can only move people who have been through some pain in this journey. I am so relieved that you can find your baby. It is so horrible at the thought that another tube has to be removed... Wishing you have beautiful healthy kids soon
DeleteDear Hope,
ReplyDeleteLike your nick, don't give up as long as there is hope in your heart, one day your dream will come true. Believe and have courage to face it, it will come true.
Hello Jumbo, Thanks for always checking in on me and encouraging me despite your own challenges too. Your determination is beyond comparison.
ReplyDeletehi i m so sorry for your loss of your baby girl. tears welled up in my eyes. i also had a bad oscar scan n am currently waiting for resultsfrom harmony test. i m 13 weeks. i had a miscarriagein 2011 but thankfully i have a 3 year old healthy boy. i m bracing myself for the worst case - mtpt. thats how i came across your blog. sending u hugs n prayers for your angels n hope u regain your strength n health soon n conceive a healthy baby
ReplyDeletehello... Thank u for your thoughts. I am so sorry u are reading my depressing blog. If the results are not out, don't think the worst! Positive thinking... I am not sure if mine is Oscar scan because we didn't go for Oscar. We were supposed to go straight to do harmony but the doc saw something on the usual scan that made him freeze. As a result, I did not have my bloods drawn and given any probability. What's your probability? Both my friends have bad Oscar scans but turn out babies are normal but with minor heart problems which resulted in the bad scans. One of them has a probability of 1 out of 70.
DeleteYou are amazing!!! Hugs n kisses
ReplyDeleteNice post
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