The Weirdest Pregnancy Test ever!

It was the time of the month again! Not my period but my monthly appointment with Dr Tan Siew Buoy. I arrived at 5.10 pm and oh gosh! i WAITED until 6.30 pm for my turn. I overheard her clear voice in the waiting area. I like to call it a holding area because it was very narrow. She was speaking very slowly to every patient. I passed my time playing Fun Run and connecting the crosses on my chart.
I felt uncomfortable because I was holding my pee. My period has not arrived and I knew in my guts that she would ask me to take the pregnancy test - her famous $3.50 pregnancy test which I rejected before and got chided. So, I knew that I would have to take the test later and I would need my pee.
Interestingly, the patient before me also needed to take a pregnancy test. I heard some exclamation from the doctor and the patient went out of the consultation room with a plastic cup.
While the patient went to take the test in the toilet obviously, I was directed into the consultation room. When Dr Tan saw my chart, she exclaimed with joy, "Wow! Another one! Have u tested? If not, you also need to take. Recently, many patients got pregnant! One day can have 5!"
I was quite stoned faced as I pointed out to her that there was a dip among the high temps so I could be a case of late ovulation. I just did not want to harbour too high hopes.
The patient returned from her test holding a cup of yellow liquid. She was tall, smiley and beautiful. She beamed at me as she saw that I was going for the same test. Dr Tan excitedly passed me the same plastic cup and a white package as small as a kit kat. She instructed me to take the cup only to the toilet. I opened the door gingerly. Although I told myself not to get my hopes too high, I could feel a quiver of excitement building inside me. What if it is positive? What am I going to do? As I released my pee, I felt immense pleasure since I had held it back for so long. I decided to catch the mid stream. I peed into the plastic cup and my pee was so much that it kept overflowing. I could feel the warm urine all over my fingers. GROSS! I have always used Clearblue. This was disgusting. I poured the excess urine back into the toilet bowl and tried to dry my fingers dripping wet with urine. I tried to clean the cup and washed my hands thoroughly. I secretly thought that my urine was not as yellow as the tall and pretty patient before me.
Eagerly, I took my cup to the consultation room. I saw the patient in the room. I overheard something like false result so I presumed her test was negative. I hated to admit it but I heaved a sigh of relief silently. If she was positive, I would feel stressed to be positive too. The patient left the room and it was my turn. Dr Tan opened the packaging and used a thin toothpick looking thingy and dapped some urine onto the small circle of the test kit. After what seemed like eternity, a single dark bold line was staring at us. Although I did not read the instructions, I had enough cow sense to guess that it was negative.
"I guess you are right. It was late ovulation after all," Dr Tan said.
She also mentioned that the lady before me also had negative results. After the excitement had died down, she went about her usual questioning and prescription. She also remarked again that I was very heaty. I wanted to ask her very much if her medicine had a part in my heatiness but I held myself back.
No matter how much I kid myself, I was still disappointed. After collecting the medicine, it was already 7plus. Tired, I drove home.
The next day, my disappointment snowballed into low self esteem as my temperature dipped further from 36.8 to 36.6. It usually meant an impending period. In my clique of 4, I am the only one with no nice fertilised egg developing into cute baby. Recently, my close friend who had always dislike kids and not very keen on having kids, announced that she was four months pregnant. Jealous jealous jealous jealous jealous
Oh God! Can I stop my pathetic laments? What a loser!


  1. Hi,
    I was the one who left the first comment on your previous posting. I skipped my TSB appointment on 27th, if not I would have met you! Although I won't know how you look. :)
    Totally understand the jealousy thingy.. Haiz.. I am also waiting for my day to arrive. Anyway, I also feel that maybe her medicine does give me some discomforts too thus I am taking a break for the time being.

  2. Hey! If u skip, how do u make another one? I always don't dare to skip for fear they will treat me like new case and can't get appointment easily.

    1. I called them and told them I will cancel my appointment. I think you can quote your allocated number (4 digits) when making appointment next time? But I think maybe waiting time till next available appointment, will really be longer, similar to new cases. This is my first time skipping so I am not too sure too.

  3. Thanks! Keep me updated if you can make the new appointment easily. Sometimes I do not feel like going but I will just go and get the meds but did not eat.

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  6. I am a patient of TSB too and sometimes I feel emotional seating beside preggy or when the she talked so long and so happily with preggy lady. I am full of envy.

  7. Envy is such a new emotion! I have never felt so much envy in my life until I stepped into this whole journey of meds, tests, disappointments... and not wondering when...Sometimes I hate myself for being envious... feel so petty. Why can't I just be carefree and enjoy what I have? Just chills

  8. Agree I wonder why I so 看不开. I suppose we are human and is normal to have all these emotion especially if we tried so hard.
    Everytime I walk in she will asked how any good news. I can imagine my joy one day if I am preg and I will fly down to tell her my good news. Ha ha.

  9. Okie, I will let you know if I make a new appointment. But I guess for the time being, maybe I won't visit her. Thinking to distract myself about ttc-ing for awhile. Me too, the most recent batch of med I took... is still in my fridge. I haven't eaten them...

  10. Great! Go for relaxing staycations!

  11. Hey JG! Exactly! She ALWAYS asks "You mei you hao xiao xi gei wo?"

  12. I stumbled upon your blog accidentally. I am a TSB patient too, and I would get envy too whenever I saw preggy ladies hanging around the clinic. But I guess those ladies have their fair share of stories too. Don't get discouraged, Hope in my heart. I believe someday god will surely send a little angel into your life. I am also waiting for mine to arrive too :)

  13. Ha ha looks like quite a no of people is using "TSB" as a label. She should start a clinic called "The TSB Clinic". Okay crap... I have tooth ache on my left jaw... gross... but I saw some couples in their 40ish also no kids... then 50ish also no kids ...

    Okay, by faith we will have.. doubt means no faith ... Let's have faith together. I am going to blog a post call "Ridiculous things I have done to be more fertile..." Readers, let me know if you have your fair share of ridiculous ideas"

    1. Even though she look stern and has her mood swing but I respected her cos I feel she is very dedicated and really hope to see her patient get preg. Many times I saw her gobble her cha siew bao or snacks for as her lunch and continue to see patient. As I get to know her better, she is more chatty and encourage us saying some people took longer to conceive and must have patient. TCM need long term to tiao. Well we know this but somehow we are growing impatient.

  14. Hi! I only managed to have child on my 11th year of marriage at the age of 39. Been with Dr Henry Cheng all the while until he told me to stop all medication and tests and told me to relax and take thing slow cos sometimes when we pushing ourselves for the things that we really wants, can put a stress onto us unknowingly. And so I took his advice...... been out of medication and tests for 2yrs and just enjoying life, and 1 day my menses were late!! Call up Dr Henry Cheng and he told me to come down for the pregnancy test. I did and was positive!!
    So ladies, just don't think too much. Enjoy the pleasure when you are having an intercourse with your husband and don't think of must conceive after the intercourse..... Just my 2 cents :)

  15. Hey JG it is true. I know she is super eager to get me pregnant. Sometimes I feel sad because I felt like I let her down. She does genuinely care.

  16. Hey anonymous, it takes a lot of courage to truly relax because to truly relax is to truly give up and to truly give up is to truly accept the fact that there will just be the only two of us for the rest of our lives. And I am not at that serene place yet although I very much want to stop thinking about it. Through my blogging experience, I have also made friends with people who said never to give up. One also gave me her private blog to read about her terrible ivf journey but made me promise never to share. Of course she has a cutie boy now. I am glad u managed to conceive. Super happy for u.

    1. I totally agree with you on this. To relax means to give up which is not an easy thing to do. Oh and my blog can be depressing too ha ha.

  17. JG I cannot view leh. It says access denied.


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